The Blog for my senior studio project of Fall 2021 will track the process and making of my Visual Effects 408 Studio Project. The intent of this project is to create a title sequence compiling footage of Murals and Signage around Atlanta, Ga. The concept will Animate the text and existing artwork . My hope is to bring to life and Highlight what may be hidden in the ordinary .
Concept/Pre vis
below is the animatic for a Prior concept  that inspired this current project. I plan to adapt this effect to an  abstract storyline that resembles the structure of a title sequence. With this solution I am Able to maximize my screen time for a visually interesting effect, still including live action ideas and working within my time constraint of 10 weeks.
Opening sequences pORTLANDIA, the Killing, and The Sopranos are some great opening sequences that combine motion and text in while driving to introduce the location and setting.
Location Scouting
I took photos around Atlanta lookin fro signage and text, finding many interesting letter boards, neon signs and Store fronts that would work for my initial concept. I also found more of an abundance of Amazing Murals and street art that  had to be included in this sequence.  The art community is such a big part of Atlanta and what would this sequence be without including  some of the public works works of art you get to see everyday.

HEre is a Link to a Map some of the Murals and their artists In different Neighborhoods around Atlanta
Testing and Experimenting
The biggest challenge of this project will be maintaining the Uniqueness of each shot when choosing which elements to animate, eliminate and add.  I want to display titles in an artful way without disturbing the original work (Sign or Mural). 
I will continue experimenting with small tests and Rough Drafts of Technique and compositions on different shots to see how they look and how different elements interact.
SHot 2 WIP
Below, experimenting  with animating elements with the Puppet tool in after effects.
Rough Cut
This is a rough cut of the sequence without any effects. While organizing this I am working out Pacing and proper sequencing of the footage I was abLe to get. Ideally, The rough cut also shows if I need to reshoot anything before locking in the final sequence and moving on to Post Production.
Revised Sequence
Shot One
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4
Midterm Wip Checkpoint
Shot 5
Shot 6 WIP

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